Welcome To Sylvanian Couture Designs

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Welcome to my little website, most of my items have now been transferred to my blog page as it is advert free (see link to the right).

As always I hope you enjoy looking around my Blog and come back again and again as I aim for it to be both an informative and fun place to visit!

Remember - If you would like to share any of your pictures, thoughts and experiences with decorating your own Sylvanian Houses then drop me a line, and I'll post your creations here.

About Me

I remember when Sylvanian Families first came out just as I was in my final year of college and wished I could be eight years old again to be able to own such sweet little characters. Now the years have gone by and I have an eight year old daughter of my own who discovered these adorable cuties a few years back (to my delight of course). Since then, I have learned that there are avid collectors out there of all ages and so many that have amazing collections. Equally, I have had the pleasure of meeting some lovely fellow sellers of Sylvanian characters, buildings and clothing etc. It is a vast community and please be warned, Sylvanian Families are highly addictive! I just love the timeless innocence that surrounds the world of Sylvania.  

I specialise in renovating and selling on "as new" and clean quality pre-loved fully furnished Sylvanian buildings, that are tasefully papered, carpeted, accessorised both inside and out, and given a touch of individuality, ready to be loved once more. Each project is personal and great pride is taken and I would not sell anything that I wouldn't be prepared to buy myself.

I hope you enjoy my Blog pages and please feel free to sin the Guest Book!

Sonya. x.


New Blog Page

(No Ads - Laughing)